Friday, May 1, 2015

5.3.15 Coupon Previews

Hey, Y'all!

It's my time of the month!!!  I love the last day of the month  because most of my favorite coupon sites restock their coupons on the first of the month and we can start loading up from a whole new selection.  So, check out these great coupon sites for new printable coupons:
We are set to receive FOUR coupon inserts this weekend!!!!  Check my blog for the coupon preview of the four inserts:  5.3.15 Coupon Preview Most grocery stores and pharmacies post next week's sales as early as tonight!!  Get ready for your shopping trip early and get to shopping Sunday before you go to church :o)

Look at Next Week's Sales - Not sure if SRite will continue to double $1 coupons... I did not see that on next week's insert. :o( I'm not sure when they post next week's ads

I am planning a coupon class for next month but I need to know just how much interest there is.  The class will be either on a Friday evening (7 PM to 9 PM) and/or Saturday morning (10 AM to 12 Noon).    The classes will be held at my home because I cannot obtain an open space at my church for May.  The class will be free and I only ask for 10 cans of veggies from each participant for our church's ministry to the needy.

I live in Beltsville, MD near Laurel.  Let me know your interest (beginner, intermediate, or advanced) and I will form a class convenient to the majority who respond.

That's it!
Happy Couponing!!!

ShaRon :o)

Living the rest of my life in perpetual vacation mode...six Saturdays and one Sunday a week!