Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas...!!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Hey, Y'all!

No RedPlum or SmartSource inserts this weekend.  But, there should be a P&G insert in the weekend papers.  Don't forget that you can continue to use the December P&G insert coupons until the end of the year.  Save your January P&G coupons to use after the December ones have been used or expired.

January is a great time to subscribe or renew your newspaper subscriptions.  The key word is "negotiate".  Be ready to unsubscribe if you don't get a great deal on your subscription.  I am paying 79¢ per Sunday paper.  I get four per week.  I really need at least ten but $8 per week is messing with our milk money.  So, I depend on digital coupons, printable coupons, relatives, and friends for additional coupons.  I will also start supplementing my insert coupons with manufacturers coupons that I will get just by asking for them. 

I have at least 8 new pairs of hands ready to send emails and post cards to manufacturers requesting coupons for their products.  Every manufacturer has a website and/or facebook presence.  We will contact every manufacturer at least once per quarter and request coupons.  I will keep you updated on our successes and defeats.

Don't forget to download the new restocked printable coupons January 1st:  (included the total coupon values &/or number of coupons; value and number will vary by zip code or region)
I love January because most of the coupons in the 2015 inserts will have expired by the end of December 2015.  The first week of January 2016 should bring papers packed with coupon inserts.  Here's the tentative insert schedule for January 2016.  You may receive more or less inserts depending on the newspaper or region:

January 2016

  • 3 — 2 RedPlum inserts,  2 SmartSource inserts
  • 10 — RedPlum, 2 SmartSource inserts
  • 17 — SmartSource
  • 24 — Red Plum, SmartSource
  • 31 — RedPlum, SmartSource, P&G
Go to:  Click this link For the Mommas for the rest of the coupon insert schedule for 2016.  You can also copy and paste the link below in your browswer.

Final tip:  Head on out to Sam's Club and stock up on meats that have been marked down drastically. 
Why?  Sam's Clubs are closed Christmas and will not be open until December 26th.
  Meats close to their expiration date of December 24, 25, or 26 will be marked down.  Go early if you have the business membership and can get in before the general public.

Now, you can see why I love, love, love January for its awesome bounty of coupon inserts and restocked printables!!!
Happy New Year & Happy Couponing, too!                   
ShaRon :o)