Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Super Doubles at HT & other stuff, too...

Hey, Y'all!

Just one Insert expected this weekend (SmartSource 8/16/15).  Lots of great coupons to help you stay within your Back-to-School budget.

Staples, WalMart, and your local supermarkets are having some awesome back-to-school sales.  Match up those coupons from the last couple of weeks of inserts and you can send your little ones and bigger one off to school and ready to learn. 

Staples still has the 1¢ per ream paper on sale at least until the end of this week.

Harris Teeter's "Super Doubles" event starts this morning at 7 am and ends next Tuesday at the close of business.  During HT's super doubles event,  all $2 coupons are worth a whopping $4! The only thing is that a lot of coupons over $1 are now saying, "Do Not Double". 

I rarely shop at HT because their prices are so much higher than the other stores in my area here in Maryland.  Super Doubles more than make up that difference. 

I have ton of rain checks from HT and I will be shopping with those and pairing them to some great coupons.  I love rain checks because I can make my own sale when I have more money for shopping or the perfect coupon.  My rain checks were for items on sale but not available in the store.  Super Doubles + rainchecks + coupons = Great Savings!!


Living the rest of my life in perpetual vacation mode...six Saturdays and one Sunday a week!