Saturday, July 14, 2012

Where have I been?

It has been a while since my last post.  In fact, it has been more than a month.  I have been so very busy that I have not been grocery shopping in a month and have a stack of a hundred coupons that I clipped and have not begun to organize.  We have been living on my stockpile (except for fresh fruits and veggies).  We only lost a gallon of milk and a container of ice cream when we lost power for two days in June.

What the heck have I been doing that has taken me away from my couponing?  I promised my sister several months ago that I would join her as she presented seminars to teachers for two weeks in June.  She teaches teachers how to be better teachers. I also taught a coupon class in Indiana to my motorcycle association.

In addition, I have been meeting with a representative from Prince George's Community College and Laurel-Beltsville Senior Activity Center about teaching couponing classes at their facilities.  Yes, I have decided to share my coupon secrets with as many people as I can.  So, I have had little time to relax with my coupons and stockpile.

As much as my couponing is an addiction, it is also very relaxing.  Clipping coupons is a mindless activity.  It takes no deep retrospective insight to be able to cut out paper rectangles.  I think of nothing else while I am sorting the coupons into like food groups and denominations.  Couponing is my mindless escape from reality.  I don't drink, gamble, smoke pot, or do drugs...I coupon!  I think I'll make a tee shirt with that quote :-)

Laurel-Beltsville Senior Activity Center - Laurel, MD
My first class will be given at the new Senior Activity Center in Laurel, Maryland on September 20, 2012, 1 PM - 2:30 PM (sponsored by Maryland National Capital Park and Planning).  You must be at least 60 years young to take that class.  But don't get discouraged if you are not yet 60 years young.  I am also teaching the class Monday, November 5, 2012, 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM at Prince George's Community College, Largo, MD (sponsored by the college).

Once the classes and prices are finalized, I will post them on my Bizzy Coupon Bee Blog. There will be five classes at the Sr Center and two at the Community College.  I hope if you live in the area, you will stop in to keep me company.   

I hope to sponsor several classes next spring here in Maryland and in other states, as well.  So, keep a look out for The Bizzy Coupon Bee classes in your area.  You can also host a coupon learning session at your local church, PTA, business (lunch hour), or in your home.  If you are interested, drop me a line and I will send you more information. 

Finally, I must make a disclaimer of something that I have been promoting for several months in my blog and my classes.  Several people have asked where they can get multiples of coupons like you see on "Extreme Couponing".  The answer I always give them is "coupon clipping services".  I must say that I have been struggling with this response because technically, buying coupons is illegal.  Also, it encourages some people to continue to profit by counterfeiting coupons.  So, now my answer to where multiple coupons can be obtained?  Buy multiple newspapers or ask your friends and neighbors for their coupon inserts.

Never Pay for Your Coupons!
For more reasons why we should not buy coupons, check out this blog from an "extreme couponer" in the Pittsburgh area.  She was able to amass her stockpile without using any counterfeit coupons, a coupon clipping service, or making copies of internet coupons.  She was featured on TLC's "Extreme Couponers".  Read what she has to say about buying coupons: "Why you should never pay money for Coupons".  You can also follow her online blog and internet radio blog.  Her website "couponshoppinwitjane" has lots of great tips for building your stockpile. If you are caught using counterfeit coupons (even unknowingly), you could be arrested and you cannot use coupons for bail!  You have been warned!

The Washington Post is offering one year of the Post for 59 cents per Sunday paper or $1.59 for the week.  That is a real bargain.  Had that last year but now I get the Post for $1 per Sunday.  However, I want multiple coupons and subscribe to four Sunday papers for $1 each.  That beats the $9 per week that I was paying at 7-11!  You can subscribe online: Washington Post Subscription

Happy Couponing!
ShaRon, The Bizzy Coupon Bee